Winning Child Custody

My Story Jury of One After The Kids Books Links


My son is a fine healthy young man. My X-wife was and is a beautiful accomplished professional. I did have to go to court and fight for custody of my son.

I won. My son loves his mother. It is my job to make sure they have all the contact they want with each other. 

On this web site I will begin sharing how I accomplish that. Jay Faber

You’ve arrived at this site in search of answers, advice, and direction regarding either your own custody contention or that of a friend or relative.

I’m glad that you found us, but sad that you or someone you care about is going through this difficult situation. Glad because now a complete collection of the most helpful and comprehensive resources is at your fingertips. Sad because no other life event can turn people inside out quite like an entrenched custody battle.

The heavy casualties are emotionally, physically, and financially draining. These conflicts often bring out the worst in people. Cinderella becomes the Wicked Witch and Prince Charming turns into Attila the Hun. The children are not enlisted recruits; but, instead, confused refugees who watch as their two beloved parental figures cross swords.

I am a custodial father who endured a prolonged campaign. Horrible legal advice and strong gender bias plagued my initial effort in 1993. I made many of the mistakes common to parents in these situations and paid dearly. Later, as our case progressed, I was fortunate enough to discover the manual entitled ‘Win Your Child Custody War’. These pearls of wisdom are a treasure trove of the information, advice, and warnings that everyone engaged in this war needs. I only wish I had found this gem when the battle began! The result of this discovery was winning custody of our then 10-year-old son in 2000.

This resource is bulging with common sense strategy. From the preferable negotiated settlement to the Desert Storm attack, a wealth of useful tips is readily available for you to implement immediately. In the appendices are your sources for an abundance of intelligence: summaries of the custody laws in all fifty states, a tutorial on how to read legal documents, and the names and addresses of places to find help in your campaign.

A custody war veteran, Charlotte Hardwick, compiled this manual. Her brilliant work definitely made the difference in my case and it can in yours as well. In the following pages I’ll tell you about the creative ideas that were part of my plan, and how I maintained my relationship with Steven from 1,100 miles away.

Pray for peace, but if you are drawn into war, make no mistake about it, you need this book!